![]() ARCHIVEfrom 1979 |
under revision when I have a big mo....................... and here are some of the campaigns that have sponsored or been published by Leeds Postcards. In alphabetical order - direct links to their websites - just click. If your campaign or organisation would like to set up a reciprocal link please contact: xtine@leedspostcards.com from Leeds Festival of Design Activism AAM - African National Congress .....Achilles Heel ... Agricultural Workers/TGWU ... Amnesty International.... African National Congress ..... Anti Nuclear Campaign ..... Britain Cuba Resource Centre.... CAAT (Campaign Against Arms Trade)..... Captive Animal Protection Society.... Centre for Alternative Technology ....Chickens' Lib... Christian CND.... CIIR (Catholic International Relations)... Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament... CND Scotland... CPAG (Child Poverty Action Group)... CPBF (Campaign Press/broadcasting Freedom)... CPSA (now PCS)(Civil & Public Servants Union)... Crusaid (Aids)... Durham Peace ... El Salvador Solidarity... END (Euro Nuclear Disarm)... Ethical Consumer Magazine... Fabian Society ...FAWN (Farm Animals Welfare Network)... Friends of the Earth ... FOSCL (Save Settle-Carlisle Railway)... Friends of Blair Peach... Friends of Earth Scotland... GMB (Trade Union)... Guatemala Working Group ...Hackney Peace Carnival ...Hastings CND...Headingley CND... Housing Emergency Office...Huddersfield Greenpeace... Hunt Saboteurs Assoc... IDAF (International Defence and aid Fund)... Intermediate Technology... International Justice and Peace Group... Joseph Rowntree Foundation... Labour Party Campaign for Travellers Rights... Labour Middle East Councl... Labour Party... Labour Research Dept... Labour Weekly... Leeds Animation Workshop... Leeds City Council... Leeds Racial Awareness... Liberty (Human Rights)... London Lighthouse (Aids care)... Marx Memorial Library... Marxism Today... Medical Aid/Palestinians...Medical Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons... Minority Rights Group... Morning Star... NALGO (Local Govt Offcrs)... Namibia Support.... National Campaign against Berufsverbot... National Museum of Labour History... National Peace Council... National Union of Seamen... New Internationalist... New Statesman & Society... Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign... Northern Friends Peace Board... Nuclear Policy Unit... Nukewatch... NUM (National Union of Miners)... NUS (National Unioon of Students)... Palestine Solidarity Campaign... Peace Advertising Campaign... Peoples March 1981... Peoples March 1983... Philippine Resource Centr... POEU(PostOfficeEngineers)... PROP (Prisoners rights)... Protection of Rural England... Rainforest Foundation... Red Wedge... Reforest the Earth... Rio Mazan Project... Sarawak Solidarity Campaign... SATIS- Imprisoned Society ...South African Congress of Trade Unions... SCRR - Soc. Cultural Relations with USSR... Sheffield FOE... Sheffield Peace Shop... Southall Action Cttee ...Spinal Injuries Association... Stop Sizewell B... The Howard League...Third World First... Tibetan Support Group... Trades Union Congress ...USDAW(Shop workers union) VIVA! Animal Welfare ...Viz Comics ....War on Want... Water Indust. Unions ...WEA Workers' Educational Association... WEN Womens Environmental Network ...Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society ...WISE (Information/Energy) ...Wiser Links Women Against Sexual Harassment... Women Alive 86 (Communist Party GB)... Women Axe Section 28... Women of Barcelona... Yorks Archaeological Soc ...Yorkshire Arts Circus... Adam Nieman offers any of you poster artwork to print and use for your anti-war protests just visit his site for free download of excellent posters......... other Links:
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